Chanel Tweed Fabric: History, Properties, Uses, Care, Where to Buy

Introduction to Chanel Tweed Fabric

Just like beaded fabrics, the Chanel Tweed fabric is one of the most elegant fabrics. The actual fabric is tweed, while Chanel’s word is added to show its association with the famous Chanel brand. 

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The Chanel Tweed is a medium weight fabric mainly used in winter wear like coats, jackets, etc. One type of this fabric is comparatively heavyweight too. This fabric has been specifically designed to fight against cold weather. 

Channel tweed is mainly found in two major types, i.e., fantasy tweed and plain Tweed. The plain Tweed is manufactured using a twill or plain weave of yarn with a single color. While the fantasy tweed is made from yarns of several different colors. 

Introduction to Chanel Tweed FabricChanel Tweed fabric is a medium to heavyweight fabric associated with the Chanel brand. It is commonly used for winter wear and comes in two types: fantasy tweed and plain tweed. Coco Chanel was inspired to create this fabric after borrowing a sportswear coat.
History of Chanel Tweed FabricIn 1924, a Scottish factory was enlisted by Chanel to produce Chanel Tweed. The fabric was initially designed for sportswear and later expanded to coats, jackets, suits, etc. It gained popularity among users everywhere.
Properties of Chanel Tweed FabricChanel Tweed is known for its warmth, medium to heavy weight, high durability, and higher cost compared to other fabrics. It is commonly used in making winter clothing and other items such as hats, suits, bags, and dresses.
Common Uses for Chanel Tweed FabricThe primary use of Chanel Tweed is in winter clothing, especially jackets and coats. It is also suitable for making hats, suits, bags, dresses, and more. The fine quality and properties of this fabric make these items expensive.
Caring for Chanel Tweed FabricGarments made of Chanel Tweed should be hand washed with a quality detergent. Sun drying should be avoided to prevent damage to the fabric.
SourcesHow Coco Chanel Discovered Her Icon Tweed?; Chanel Tweed, the Making of; Tweed Fabric.

History of Chanel Tweed Fabric

The production of Chanel Tweed has inspired men and menswear. It all started when Coco Chanel borrowed one of the sportswear coats from the Duke of Westminster. After wearing it, she realized how comfortable and warm the sophisticated sportswear was. It gave her the idea of starting a range of this fabric for various womenswear items too. 

In 1924, a Scottish factory was enlisted by Chanel to start the production of its amazing Chanel Tweed. The fabric was used to make various items, from sportswear to coats, jackets, suits, etc. 

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The first range of Chanel Tweed had the sportswear color where she took the idea from the Scottish countryside. After the introduction of Chanel Tweed, the fabric was amazingly loved by users everywhere.

Properties of Chanel Tweed Fabric

The Chanel Tweed is known for some of its exceptional properties, which are discussed below.


The Chanel Tweed is warm like the fur fabrics. The unique build of these fabrics and the fibers used in manufacturing make it extremely warm. That’s why the Chanel Tweed is mostly used in making winter clothing and items. 

Medium to Heavy Weight

If you had the chance to use any item made of Chanel Tweed, you will agree that it has more weight than the other fabrics. It is mostly found in medium to heavyweight. 

High Durability 

The Chanel Tweed is one of the most durable fabrics. It has been made to last longer than other ordinary fabrics. Higher durability means you can wear it as many times as you want without experiencing a reduction in its quality. 


Like all of the products offered by Chanel, the Chanel Tweed is also comparatively costly. Make sure you have an ample budget before deciding to buy it. 

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Common Uses for Chanel Tweed Fabric

Some Common Uses for Chanel Tweed are:


Winter Clothing

Like wool, the major use of Chanel Tweed is found in the making of winter clothing, especially jackets and coats. The warmness of this fabric makes it the best fit for winters. Wear this, and you will be saved from the cold winds.

Other Uses 

Moreover, the Chanel Tweed is also suitable for making hats, suits, bags, dresses, and more. However, all of these items will be expensive due to their fine quality and excellent properties. 

Caring for Chanel Tweed Fabric

The garments made of Chanel Tweed often come up with a set of care instructions; however, the following instructions generally can be applied if you don’t get a care instruction. For this fabric, hand wash is preferred as washing it in a machine can damage the fabric. 

Wash it gently and use any quality detergent. Make sure you don’t hang it directly under the sun. 


How Coco Chanel Discovered Her Icon Tweed?

Chanel Tweed, the Making of.

Tweed Fabric. 

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