Cabretta Fabric: History, Properties, Uses, Care, Where to Buy

If you are picky about selecting your shoes and always go for the perfect blend of style and comfort, then you will love this material. No matter what material you choose, the appearance, feel, and quality of leather remains unmatched.

Cabretta is thin, fine leather that is made exclusively from sheepskin. It uses sheep’s hair as opposed to the wool used in the making of fur and other dense materials. If you are fond of collecting premium shoes and leather materials, you would own an item made from Cabretta.


  • Cabretta is a thin, fine leather made exclusively from sheepskin, known for its unmatched appearance, feel, and quality.
  • Cabretta is a cruelty-free material, as no sheep are slaughtered specifically for their skin to produce it.
  • Cabretta is commonly used in the fashion industry to make premium jackets, coats, hats, gloves, and footwear due to its softness, durability, and luxurious look.

History of Cabretta

Though the Cabretta’s exact origination date is still unclear, many people believe that somewhere around the time when leather was made, and people begin using animal skin, the Cabretta was also manufactured for the first time. So, it’s safe to assume that this leather goes way back in fashion history.

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Properties of Cabretta

The distinct properties of Cabretta are:

No Animal Cruelty

No sheep are slaughtered for their skin, so many people who believe in rejecting the Cabretta because it was made by harming and torturing sheep are incorrect. Sheep all over the world are slaughtered for their meat, and then their skin is used to make the leather, Cabretta.


This material is thin compared to other leathers, but it does come with its set of benefits. It is lightweight and easy to carry, and because of its delicate nature, it can be conveniently sewn into gorgeous apparel and items.

Super Soft

The velvety softness of Cabretta is unmatched and cannot be encapsulated in words. This material is so soft that you wouldn’t get tired of wearing it and showcasing it around.

Good Quality

Cabretta is light and durable, which means that it delivers good quality. It’s because of its trusted quality that this material is wildly used in the fashion industry.

Decent Resistance Against Water

As this material is 100% natural, it is not completely waterproof, but it does offer strong resistance against water.

Common Uses for Cabretta

Nothing can ever replace the majestic and fine look of leather. This is why Cabretta, a premium leather type, is used to make high-end quality leather products.

Jackets and Coats

Many known brands use this leather to make premium jackets and coats. Because of its soft touch and luxurious look, this leather is used to make leather jackets and pads of skins and even their pockets lining.

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Hats and Gloves

Cabretta is highly popular among golfers as they usually wear gloves made from this leather particularly. Many hats are also designed from this material. Many bikers also wear gloves from Cabretta because of their amazing quality, soft-touch, and great look.

Quality Footwear

If you study the known footwear brands worldwide, you will learn that they all make use of Cabretta to fashion premium shoes. They design dress shoes and formal women’s shoes from this high-end leather.

Caring for Cabretta

The Cabretta is made to last for decades and even centuries. This is high-quality leather that will never lose its charm of finesse even if you reuse it after years to come. But it requires a high level of care and caution in use.

You may have heard of some leather protectants. So, before you get all excited to showcase your ravishing leather products, you must use this protectant to make sure that the leather is not ruined or harmed.

Do not use water and never scrub leather. Just use a clean, soft cloth or a shiner to give it a buff and clean look. Any other thing might damage the Cabretta.

Where to buy Cabretta Fabric

We recommend buying Cabretta fabric at


Mahi Leather

The Jacket Maker

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