Wool Fabric: History, Properties, Use, Care, Where to Buy

Introduction to Wool Fabric

Wool fabric is a form of cloth made from the hairs of many animals. While most people identify the word “wool” with sheep, there are, in fact, various types of wool that producers extract from animals other than sheep.

Unlike cotton and other natural and synthetic fibers used in textiles, wool is extremely resistant to fire. The fire goes out on its own and does not spread to the fabric. This fabric is perfect for use where a lower risk of fire is a priority.

What is the History of Wool Fabric?

Clothes woven from sheep have been dated to roughly 4000 BC, but their creation may date back a thousand years.

Wool was an essential fabric in the Roman empire and had an even more crucial role in medieval European society. Wool production had become an important part of the Italian economy by the early 13th century.

It wasn’t until the Colonial Times that Europeans began transporting wool fabrics to other continents. Still, by the time the Renaissance rolled around, wool production had expanded throughout the rest of Europe.

The widespread use of synthetic fibers led to a steep decline in the wool market. Still, progress in the wool industry has not slowed down and continues to happen.

Properties of Wool Fabric

  • It has good moisture-wicking abilities
  • It has high heat retention 
  • It is a breathable fabric that is comfortable to wear.
  • It is a strong and durable fabric
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How is Wool Fabric Made?

Shearing the sheep or lambs is the first step in the wool-producing process. Some animals only produce wool once a year, and others produce it several times a year.

The wool goes through a cleaning process and is bundled up for storage. There are several methods for washing the oily lanolin out of raw wool. However, catalysts are used by the vast majority of commercial wool manufacturers.

Wool fibers are carded after they have been cleaned. This process elongates the fibers. After one last washing, the carded fibers are ready to be twisted into yarn and made into clothing or woolen textiles.

Where is Wool Fabric Made?

Because it accounts for 25 percent of the world’s total wool production, Australia is widely recognized as the leading wool-producing nation. China, home to one of the major textile marketplaces and factories in the world, is responsible for producing 18% of the world’s wool supply. 

The United States of America is the third-largest producer of wool in the world, and New Zealand is the fourth-largest producer of cloth overall.

Typical Uses of Wool Fabric

Wool fabric is used for various garments along with different products.

Daily Wear

Wool is commonly used for coats and other garments that do not make direct body contact; nevertheless, thinner types of Wool may be utilized to construct clothing that comes into contact with the flesh. 

Wool fibers manufacture most of the world’s formal suits and a wide variety of additional garments and accessories, such as hats and gloves.

Home Décor

Wool fabrics can be made into table cloths, cushion covers, bed sheets, and many other home accessories.

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Sewing with Wool Fabric

It doesn’t matter if you’re learning how to sew or have been doing it for years; wool is a wonderful fabric. It’s ideal for any craft because it comes in so many different weaves and patterns. The beautiful textile is simple to cut with a pair of fabric scissors

However, If one wants to get ideal results with their sewing, they should be sure to employ the appropriate sewing essentials, sewing notions, and supplies

When sewing patterns and designs on the fabric, finishing procedures such as French seams should be omitted because of the discomfort and stiffness, they would bring. 

Rather, use the wool’s resistance to fraying to your advantage by choosing methods like pinking and grading to slim down your seams without sacrificing elasticity.

The sewing threads used can be silk or polyester, depending on what type of wool fabric you use for your sewing venture. When working with wool, a ball-point sewing needle is recommended. The smooth, rounded end of the tool prevents snagging and tearing of the fibers.

 You should also use the best sewing machines like the Brother SE600 for effective results. Keeping these tips and tricks in mind, you can easily sew your wool perfectly.

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Dyeing and Printing with Wool Fabric

The fabric can be dyed depending on the composition of the material. The Rit All-Purpose Liquid Dye can be used as the best fabric dye available. 

How to Care for Wool Fabric?

Wool is a fabric that requires special attention and care when washed or dried. If not cared for properly, the material can lose shape.


  • You can hand-wash and machine-wash the fabric both.
  • Use cold water to wash your Wools.
  • You should use a mild liquid detergent for washing
  • The machine setting should be set to a gentle cycle
  • Fabric softeners can be used
  • Avoid the use of bleach
  • Never dry Wool garments in a dryer if you value their shape.
  • The fabric can be dried by air-drying it on a flat exterior or hang-drying it 


  • Using a shark steam iron, press the fabric on the wrong side
  • Use a low heat setting and a press cloth 
  • You can use pins to hold the fabric in place

Where to Buy Wool Fabric?

Fabric and clothing stores typically stock Wool fabric. If you’re looking for the best Wool fabric on the market, look no further than reputable online retailers like Amazon and Fabric.com, which have the most exquisite Wool fabrics like the gorgeous Tuva Textiles Solid Wool-Blend Gabardine Fabric.

It can be sold in several ways depending on the seller;

  • By yard
  • By Inches
  • Can be cut to order


Wool fabric is a strong, lightweight, and breathable fabric with a variety of different uses. Its adaptability is not shocking. You may use it to make everything from clothes to furniture. 



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