The Best 5 Free DIY Beautiful Crochet Shawl Patterns

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The Best 5 Free DIY Crochet Shawl Patterns

Why not add a bit of magical glitter to your next Fall shawl. This Universe Shawl is made with the gorgeous Universe Glitter yarn from Hobbii. The Universe Shawl is one of those crochet projects that looks really difficult to do but is actually a simple project, which just makes the design even more unique. I am in love with the beautiful glitter yarn combined with the elegant stitches and color transitions. I can’t decide between these sparkling colors….so maybe I’ll make one for a friend.

Pompon Shawl

This DIY crochet shawl pattern just has that extra avant-garde feeling to it to work for winter, with the fabulous crocheted pom boho chic! With tons of colors, you can choose whatever gives you that New York vibe to crochet this shawl. You can either go completely wild with bright colors or a bit more relaxed with muted tones of Manarola yarn.

Tip-to-Tip shawl

No summer would be complete without a holiday fair or carnival. This free crochet shawl pattern from Hobbii will get you right in the mood for summer and a county fair. These stunning colors are inevitably a winner for summer and made for a celebration. If you are looking for your next summer project I recommend trying the Tip-to-Tip shawl made with Carnival yarn. It’s nothing but fun to create, so why not choose a cotton candy color scheme?