5 Best Fabrics for Unpaper Towels

Unpaper towels are essentially small towels or soft cloths that, depending on preference or the maker, can attach together in a roll. Many people use snaps for this. On the other hand, unpaper towels are not required to attach in a roll. They can be folded up together or even placed in a stack. Essentially, unpaper towels are made of absorbent fabrics that can replace disposable or one time use paper towels in the home.
Best Fabrics for Unpaper TowelsReviews and details of 5 fabrics suitable for making unpaper towels
Fabrics for Unpaper Towels Buying GuideTips for choosing durable, absorbent, and soft fabrics for making unpaper towels
Why Unpaper Towels?Benefits of using unpaper towels, including cost savings and waste reduction
Get Creative, Get CraftyEncouragement to experiment with different fabrics and use unpaper towels for various purposes
Recommended ReadingChapters from a sewing guide related to sewing essentials, machines, setting up a sewing room, fabric, and more.

Best Fabrics for Unpaper Towels

Here are our fabrics for unpaper towels reviews.

1. Birdseye Diaper Cloth White

Birdseye Diaper Cloth White

Birdseye fabrics are great for many reasons. Birdseye fabrics look classy and can be used from anything to dresses to shirts, pants to diapers, making the fabric suitable for a wide range of projects. This particular line of fabric is made from 100% cotton and is medium weight. Try using birdseye in conjunction with other patterned cotton or flannel fabrics.

  • Birdseye fabric is generally quite durable and long lasting
  • Highly absorbent and generally fast drying
  • Easy to launder- machine wash and dry in the dryer on low heat
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2. A. E. Nathan Diaper Flannel

Diaper Flannel White

This medium weight flannel is made of 100% cotton, which has many different amazing properties. Cotton is generally quite absorbent. It is a natural fiber, is soft to the touch, and is very durable and stands up well to laundering. The best part about flannel is that with repeated washings, it often gets softer and softer.

  • Easy to launder- wash on hot and can be dried in the dryer with heat
  • Try using this flannel with another patterned cotton fabric
  • Will stand the test of time- flannel can often be used for years and years
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3. AKAS Tex Microfiber Terry Soaker White

AKAS Tex Microfiber Terry Soaker White

This medium to heavy weight polyester/polyurethane blend is an amazing fabric and is super absorbent. The fabric would work great in a combination with other fun or vibrant prints. Sew a cotton or flannel top and use the Microfiber Terry Soaker White on the bottom.

  • The fabric traps moisture instead of absorbing it like natural fibers do
  • Easy to launder- machine wash with warm water then dry on low heat or drip dry- no fabric softener
  • Can be used in a variety of other projects including in cloth diapers
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4. Kaufman Mammoth Flannel

Kaufman Framework Flannel Gridwork White

This flannel is medium weight and is brushed on both sides. Made of 100% cotton, it is durable and will stand the test of time. Cotton is known to be absorbent and one of the best parts of flannel is that it actually often gets softer the more it is used and washed. Many people use the same flannels for years and years.

  • Flannel is absorbent and durable, but can also be combined with another fabric like Terrycloth for extra absorbency
  • Can be laundered easily- machine wash cold, dry in the dryer on low heat
  • Comes in a wide variety of patterns and colors
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5. Newcastle Fabrics Newcastle Flannel

Printed Flannel Meryl Navy

This lightweight flannel is made from 100% cotton and can be used for a wide variety of projects around the home. Not only is flannel a great fabric to make unpaper towel, it can also be used in blankets, quilts, and apparel, which helps reduce any extra waste. While flannel is durable and holds up over time, it is also soft and absorbent. Use on its own, or combine with other absorbent materials.

  • Brushed on both sides
  • Easily to wash- machine wash and dry in the dryer on low heat
  • Comes in a large variety of patterns, prints, and colors
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Fabrics for Unpaper Towels Buying Guide

When choosing fabric for unpaper towels, it is best to choose durable, absorbent materials, but ones that are also going to be soft. Using an abrasive material might damage surfaces and they don’t feel great on hands or faces. Cotton fabrics, depending on the type of fabric and the weave, can be absorbent or less absorbent. Cottons come in a huge variety of fun colors and awesome prints. If you want to use these, don’t discount them just because you’re afraid they won’t soak up spills. Pair them with another, more absorbent fabric.

Why Unpaper Towels?

Unpaper towels are a great way to cut down on waste. If you find yourself going through a lot of paper towel in your home, why not make the switch? Not only will you cut down on cost on your shopping bills every time you would normally have to buy paper towel, you are also helping cut down on waste. Unpaper towels can be used to do a wide variety of jobs. They’re a handy tool to have in the house for spills, cleaning, or for just washing and drying hands. Many of the fabrics used for making unpaper towels are durable and will last for years and years. They are also generally quite easy to launder, making them hassle free.

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Get Creative, Get Crafty

Unpaper towels can be made with many different fabrics. You can literally be as creative as you want to be and experiment with different prints and combinations of fabric. Not only are fabrics like cotton, flannel, and Terrycloth blends quite durable, they are soft, will stand the test of time, and are easy to wash. Unpaper towels make thoughtful gifts that most people will really appreciate getting because they can use them in such a diverse amount of jobs and tasks. Unpaper towels can also be made to sell at places like craft shows, but if you are going to sell your work, be sure to steer clear of licensed fabrics, as they are not intended for commercial use.

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