Brother XR3774 Full-Featured Quilting Machine Review

Brother XR3774 Full-Featured Quilting Machine If you are new to the world of sewing, stitching or knitting, there is a high chance that you are searching for the perfect machine to aid you in the process of mastering that skill.

At this stage, investing in a $1,000 machine makes absolutely no sense and you may find yourself better off with something like the Brother XR3774 Full-Featured Quilting Machine.

Features of the Brother XR3774 Full-Featured Quilting Machine

The best way to gauge whether or not the Brother XR3774 Full-Featured Quilting Machine is suitable for your individual requirements is by going through the range of different features that it has to offer to users.

37 Built-In Stitches

You can understand how versatile a sewing machine is by looking at the number of stitches that come in built. In this case, the Brother XR3774 Quilting Machine offers 37 different types of built-in stitches that will really allow you to test your creativity. You can use the stitch selection dial to choose the right stitch and continue working.

8 Sewing Feet

The quilting machine comes with eight different sewing feet, including buttonhole, zipper, zigzag, blind stitch, button sewing, narrow hemmer, walking and quilting feet. This works towards adding a great amount of flexibility to the machine.

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Brother XR3774 Stitch SettingsAutomatic Needle Threader

Manually threading the needle can sometimes be very frustrating, but the company has added an in-built automatic needle threader to the mix to make the process so much easier. Keep in mind that as this is a relatively inexpensive machine and the quality of the needle threader is in accordance with that.

Extendable Work Area

If you are interested in quilting, you will require a good amount of space to work. While the throat of this sewing machine is otherwise quite small, the quilting area is extendable so that you get enough space.


  • This is one of the more affordable quilting machines that you can turn to when your budget isn’t too big. However, the company has not cut corners when it comes to quality, which is often a concern with inexpensive sewing machines.
  • While this is advertised as a quilting machine, it is extremely versatile, working through many different kinds of fabrics and assisting you through a range of projects.
  • The work station attached to this quilting machine is brightly lit, all thanks to the good quality LED lighting that Brother has built into the machine. No more worrying about straining your eyes or messing up that design!
  • Finally, the process of setting up this machine is very simple. It comes with an instructional DVD as well as a user guide so that any doubts you may have can be resolved.


  • This sewing machine does not work as quietly as you might like it to. If you have sensitive years that are easily hurt, the Brother XR3774 Quilting Machine may not be ideal for you.
  • While it does come with an extended quilting table, the throat of this sewing machine when that table is not in place may be too small for most projects. Even with the table, it may not work too well for larger quilts.
  • There is an automatic needle threader built into this machine but there have been instances of that malfunctioning. In such cases, you need to thread the needle manually.
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If you are looking for a good quality sewing machine for quilting, especially one that doesn’t cost a whole lot of money, the Brother XR3774 Full-Featured Quilting Machine should be high on your list of sewing machines to consider. While it may not stand up against the high-end quilting machines, the price on this one is practically unbeatable.

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