Learn How to Use the SINGER® Darning Foot

12th June 2023

If you’re looking for a versatile sewing accessory to add to your collection, then the darning foot by Singer is a must-have.

Not only can it be used to repair holes and tears, but it can also be used for free-motion embroidery, monogramming, and stipple quilting. With a little practice, you’ll find that this foot is one of the most useful tools in your sewing room.

To get started with the darning embroidery foot, you’ll need to attach it to your machine and prepare your fabric. Once you’ve got everything set up, you can start stitching and experimenting with different techniques.

Whether you’re darning a pair of jeans or creating a personalized monogram, the darning embroidery foot is sure to come in handy.

darning foot

Key Takeaways

  • The darning embroidery foot is a versatile sewing accessory that can be used for a variety of techniques.
  • Attaching the foot and preparing your fabric are important steps to ensure successful stitching.
  • With practice, you can use the darning embroidery foot to repair, embellish, and personalize your sewing projects.

Attaching the Darning Foot

If you want to use your darning embroidery foot for sewing, you’ll need to attach it to your machine. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Removing the Presser Darning Foot and Presser Foot Holder

The first thing you need to do is to remove the presser foot and presser foot holder from your machine. This will allow you to attach the darning embroidery foot.

Depending on your machine model, you may need to use a screwdriver to remove the presser foot holder.

Lowering or Covering the Feed Dogs on the Darning Foot

Next, you’ll need to lower or cover the feed dogs.

This will prevent them from interfering with your free-motion sewing. To do this, turn the hand wheel toward you to raise the needle to its highest position.

Then, slowly lower the needle until it is about halfway down. This will make it easier to attach the foot. Be sure the arm at the top of the attachment is resting above the needle clamp.

Securing the Foot in Place

Once you have removed the presser foot and lowered or covered the feed dogs, you can attach the darning embroidery foot.

To do this, secure the foot in place on the presser bar using a screwdriver so it doesn’t work itself loose while stitching. Make sure the arm at the top of the attachment is resting above the needle clamp.

After you have attached the foot, you’re ready to start sewing.

To prepare for sewing with the darning embroidery foot, first thread the top of the machine and bobbin.

Then, set the machine for straight stitch and lower the presser foot. Hold the needle thread as you turn the hand wheel toward you, drawing up the bobbin thread toward the top side of the fabric.

Lift the presser foot, then pull both threads under the foot.

Lower the presser foot and sew a few stitches to secure the threads.

Remember, the darning foot has a small circular opening through which the needle passes while sewing.

The arm rests on the needle clamp, which moves up and down as you sew. When you put the presser foot down, you may notice that the foot won’t be touching the fabric.

But lowering the presser foot will put tension on the upper thread, which is necessary for correct stitch formation. The foot only comes in contact with the fabric momentarily while stitching.

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Preparing for Sewing with the Darning Foot

If you are new to using a darning embroidery foot, don’t worry.

With a little bit of practice, you will soon find it to be one of the most versatile sewing accessories in your sewing room. In this section, we will go over the steps to prepare your machine for sewing with the darning embroidery foot.

Threading the Machine

To prepare for sewing with the darning embroidery foot, first, thread the top of the machine and bobbin with the machine set for a straight stitch. This will ensure that the machine is ready for you to start stitching.

Lowering the Presser Darning Foot

Depending on your machine model, either lower or cover the feed dogs to disengage them. Turn the handwheel toward you to raise the needle to its highest position, then slowly lower the needle until it is about halfway down.

This will make it easier to attach the foot. Be sure the arm at the top of the attachment is resting above the needle clamp.

Secure the foot in place on the presser bar using a screwdriver so it doesn’t work itself loose while stitching.

Drawing Up the Bobbin Thread Through the Darning Foot

To draw up the bobbin thread, lower the darning foot and hold the needle thread as you turn the handwheel toward you, drawing up the bobbin thread toward the top side of the fabric.

Lift the darning foot, then pull both threads under the foot. Lower the presser foot and sew a few stitches to secure the threads.

Securing the Threads with the Darning Foot

When you put the darning foot down, you may notice that the foot won’t be touching the fabric. But lowering the presser foot will put tension on the upper thread, which is necessary for correct stitch formation.

The foot only comes in contact with the fabric momentarily while stitching. When the needle is in its lowest position, the foot rises again, allowing you to move the fabric freely.

In this section, we have gone over the steps to prepare your machine for sewing with the darning foot. By following these steps, you will be ready to start stitching in no time.

Using the Darning Embroidery Foot for Darning

If you have a hole or tear in your fabric, the darning embroidery foot can be a versatile tool to repair it. Here are some tips for using the darning embroidery foot for darning:

Adding Stability to the Tear With the Darning Foot

To add stability to the tear, apply a small fabric scrap to the back of the tear. This will help keep the fabric from stretching or distorting while you sew over the tear.

Selecting the Straight Stitch With the Darning Foot

Select the straight stitch for darning. This stitch will allow you to make small, precise stitches over the tear, creating a strong repair.

Guiding the Fabric Back and Forth Under the Darning Foot

To guide the fabric back and forth while darning, hold the fabric with both hands and move it in even movements. Make sure to keep the fabric taut, but not too tight, as you sew over the tear.

Remember to lift the presser foot and turn the fabric 90 degrees after stitching over the tear to cover the entire area. Once you have finished darning, trim the thread tails and your repair is complete.

With a little bit of practice, the darning embroidery foot can become one of the most versatile sewing accessories in your sewing room.

Using the Darning Foot for Free Motion Embroidery

Free motion embroidery is a creative way to personalize your projects. With the darning embroidery foot, you can easily create intricate designs on fabric. Here are some steps to get you started:

Drawing the Design on the Fabric Surface

Use a removable fabric marking tool to draw the design on the fabric surface. This will help guide you as you sew. You can draw anything from flowers to animals to letters. The possibilities are endless!

Applying Stabilizer to the Back of the Fabric

Apply stabilizer to the back of the fabric following the manufacturer’s recommendations. This will help prevent the fabric from puckering as you sew. You can use a tear-away or cut-away stabilizer depending on the type of fabric you are using.

Guiding the Fabric at a Moderate Pace

To sew the design, hold the fabric with both hands and guide it at a moderate pace. Move the fabric in all directions to create the desired design.

You can use either a zigzag or straight stitch depending on the look you want. Remember to draw up the bobbin thread and hold both threads firmly as you begin to sew.

As you become more comfortable with free-motion embroidery, you can experiment with different stitch widths and lengths. You can also use different colored threads to create a multicolored design.

With a little bit of practice, you’ll see that the darning embroidery foot is one of the most versatile sewing accessories in your sewing room. It can be used for repairing holes or torn areas, stipple quilting, and even creating monograms.

Just remember to follow the steps above and have fun with it!

Using the Darning Foot for Monogramming

If you’re looking for a creative way to personalize your projects, monogramming is a great option. With the darning embroidery foot, you can easily add monograms to any fabric surface. Here’s how to do it:

Setting the Machine for Zig-Zag Stitch With The Darning Foot

To begin monogramming, set your machine for a zig-zag stitch. The stitch width will depend on the look you want and the size of your monogram. Stitch length is determined by the sewing speed along with the fabric movement.

Placing the Fabric in a Hoop With The Darning Foot

To make it easier to handle the fabric as you sew, place it in a hoop. This will help keep the fabric taut and prevent puckering.

Drawing the Monogram on the Fabric Surface

Before you begin stitching, draw the monogram on the fabric surface using a removable fabric marking tool. This will help guide your stitching and ensure that the monogram is centered and straight.

Once you’ve set up your machine and prepared your fabric, it’s time to start stitching. Hold the fabric with both hands and sew the monogram in a zig-zag stitch.

Stitch length is determined by the sewing speed along with the fabric movement. Though this technique takes a little practice, you’ll soon find it’s a creative way to personalize many of your projects.

Remember to apply stabilizer to the back of the fabric following the manufacturer’s recommendations. This will help prevent the fabric from puckering and ensure that your monogram looks neat and professional.

With the darning embroidery foot, you can easily add monograms to clothing, accessories, and home decor items. Whether you’re monogramming for yourself or as a gift for someone else, this versatile sewing accessory is sure to come in handy.

Using the Darning Embroidery Foot for Stipple Quilting

Stipple quilting is a technique used to create a meandering pattern on a quilt. The darning embroidery foot is a versatile tool that can be used for this technique. In this section, we will discuss how to use the darning embroidery foot for stipple quilting.

Joining the Fabric Layers Together Under the Darning Foot

To begin stipple quilting, you need to join the fabric layers together. This is done by placing the backing fabric, batting, and top fabric together and pinning them to secure them for sewing.

Sewing in a Meandering Fashion

Once the fabric layers are joined together, it’s time to start stipple quilting. Set the machine for a straight stitch. It is not necessary to set stitch length as this is determined by sewing speed along with the fabric movement.

Hold the fabric with both hands and sew in a meandering fashion, joining the fabric layers together as you sew. The darning embroidery foot allows you to move the fabric freely, so you can create a meandering pattern without any restrictions.

As you sew, guide the fabric at a moderate pace, and sew in a meandering fashion to fill in the design area on the fabric’s surface. You can use different thread colors to create a unique and personalized quilt.

The darning embroidery foot is a versatile tool that can be used for stipple quilting. By joining the fabric layers together and sewing in a meandering fashion, you can create a beautiful quilt with a unique design.

With a little bit of practice, you’ll soon see that this is one of the most creative ways to personalize many of your projects.

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Singer USA

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