Balloon Cloth Fabric: History, Properties, Uses, Care, Where to Buy

Have you had the privilege of traveling up in the depths of skies in a hot air balloon? Exploring the obscure corners of the world from a height and feeling the natural breeze brushing against your cheek? A mild chill is running down your spine as you look down at the bare ground from hundreds of feet above, in a floating device.

If your answer is yes to all the above asked questions, then reading about this fabric may just make your day!

Balloon Cloth Fabric is a piece of cotton cloth that is tightly woven and is used in the making of hot air balloons. The name of the fabric says it all. Though this may sound unsafe to you, now more advanced materials like nylon and polyester are used mixed with the fabric to make the balloon. It becomes durable and sturdy.

balloon fabric

History of Balloon Cloth Fabric

This fabric has no exact date of its origin, but it’s believed that Balloon Cloth fabric was first manufactured in the mid-19th century. It was developed as a more durable and well-suited option for the making of hot air balloons’ envelopes. However, it was used for book bindings, of giant editions, in 1929.

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The bindings were mainly available in four major colors: green, red, blue, and mauve. It was a popular fabric in this discipline and is still used because of its exceptional durability.

Properties of Balloon Cloth Fabric


This fabric is not your ordinary fabric durable. This fabric is so strong that it will remind you of Arnold Schwarzenegger. As it has to endure the weight of the whole balloon and keep it afloat only through the pressure of hot air, without being torn apart, this fabric had to be sturdy, and it is.


This fabric does not allow the flow of air or any other substance as this fabric has very low (equal to zero) permeability potential.

Easily Dyed:

As this fabric is made from cotton fibers, it is absorbent, and it retains the colors of the dyes. That is why you can see brightly colored balloons in the sky like giant stars floating.


This fabric is light, so the balloon is not pushed downwards, and so it doesn’t resist the pressure of air that navigates the balloon upwards.

Uses of Balloon Cloth Fabric

Hot Air Balloon:

The most apparent application of this fabric is its use in the manufacturing of the envelope of hot air balloons due to the high tensile strength of its fibers.

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It is not a widespread use, but due to its cotton nature and soft texture, this fabric is used to tailor sports apparel.

Book Bindings:

This fabric is famous in the use of binding books and keeping its pages and structure secure.

Airplane Parts’ covers:

Some parts of the airplane, like its wings, are covered by this fabric.

Caring for Balloon Cloth Fabric

Not much care for this fabric is required, as it is already so strong and resilient. You cannot improve the strength of a fabric that is tailored in an envelope shape, surrounding fire, and floating hundreds of feet above air!

Though, little is done for its cleanliness. Make sure there are no rips or tears in the fabric as it could compromise the purpose of hot air balloons. You should clean it with water and mild detergent.  Avoid using a machine wash rather than clean it with a wet cloth or wash it by hand. And lastly, don’t put it too close to flames or corrosive substances.

If you follow this set of rules, you will be good to go!

Where to buy Balloon Cloth Fabric

We recommend buying Balloon Cloth fabric at

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